Friday, July 23, 2010

Last night's extravaganza

I won't go into details.. but I'll just write:



limoncello gelato.

Today I'm detoxing. Good healthy food and no alcohol. Not even a margarita. Well maybe a little one. NO I won't have one.

well I might.. who am I kidding.. the margaritaville machine is a godsend.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Snow Snow Snow

It snows in the Midwest. Every year it snows here. Yet for some reason the streets never get plowed when it's time to drive to work.

On my way to work today, I almost hit the median, because... well I couldn't see it. All I saw was white. The roads have not been plowed yet even though 84 plows were standing by for this blizzard we were supposed to get. I do travel part of the way on a side road. So that I get. But 2 of the 4 MAJOR roads that I use N/S in Indianapolis were still white as could be and only had car tracks to show for it. Now admittedly I'm not a genius. But I would think that maybe, just maybe Meridian (the most important road of them all) would be plowed. I guess there are people out there that know more than I do about this.

At least Georgia and I are going to have some fun playing in the snow after work!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Reason # 424 Why People Suck

Background info: I drive from just north of downtown to the west side of Indy for work. I take Michigan and Meridian for a great majority of the trip. Encountering the other commuters on a daily basis has generated an internal rant in my head – that goes a little like this…

I understand that you are going to turn left in 10 miles, and therefore must be in the left lane until then. I myself have found myself doing that same thing. Oh I have to turn left, so I need to get over. However, I do get in the left lane for another very important reason which seems to be something you have yet to grasp – I get over to PASS people who go SLOW in the right lane. If you drive slowly, the right lane is for you. You don’t like to drive or for some reason are afraid to drive; then do the world a favor and get in the right lane or even better just stay home. Get over, Get Over, GET OVER!

Arrgh. You know what I’m going to pass you on the right! You’ve driven me to break the rules. So here it goes, I put on my turn signal – because I bet you also don’t know how to use that properly, get over and what.. what are you doing?? Are you also getting over in the right lane? Seriously. What. Is. Wrong. With. You. People suck.

Whew. I feel better. Anyone else get trapped in this saga?